
rulesx.alerting. HeatFrostalarm

Heat- / Frostalarm

Issues a heat- or frostalarm notification if the given window/door is open, it is hot or cold enough and enough time passed by.

Before a noficiation is sent, the logic checks for the following conditions:

  • contact is open
  • alarm level is not 0
  • configured temperature difference between inside and outside is reached

Then logic decides depending on the alarm level and the openess level of the window/door, whether to send warning or alarm and which time to choose.

Item naming scheme is required:

  • for roofwindows see itemutils.getRoofwindowOpenLevel
  • generally: roomname + _... for contacts and then roomname + _Temperatur for the room's temperature (roomname must always be before the first _)

This class respects an alarm level (hold by an Item) which is an integer:

  • 0 for no alarm
  • 0 < x < 4 for warning
  • 4 for alarm You may use a rule to set the alarm level depending on the outside temperature.