* Copyright (c) 2023 Florian Hotze
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
const { actions, items, rules, triggers } = require('openhab');
// @ts-ignore
const HSBType = Java.type('org.openhab.core.library.types.HSBType'); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// typedefs need to be global for TypeScript to fully work
* @typedef {Object} MlscRestClientConfig configuration for {@link MlscRestClient}
* @property {string} effectItemName name of the effect Item: Do NOT set state description metadata on that Item, this will be done for you.
* @property {string} url full URL for mlsc, e.g. ``
* @property {string} deviceId ID of device inside mlsc, use HTTP GET `/api/system/devices` to get a list of available devices
* @property {string} [colorItemName] name of the color Item
* @property {string} [dimmerItemName] name of the dimmer Item
* @property {string} [defaultEffect='effect_gradient'] default effect for the `Dimmer` Item
* @property {number} [refreshInterval=15000] refresh interval in milliseconds
* @property {number} [switchOnDelay] switch-on delay in milliseconds, e.g. useful if power multiple power supplies with different power-on times are used
* A `MlscApiError` is thrown when a {@link MlscApi} operation fails.
* @private
class MlscApiError extends Error {
* @param {string} message
constructor (message) {
super.name = 'MlscApiError';
* The `MlscApi` class provides access to the REST API of music led strip control.
* @private
class MlscApi {
static #HEADERS = new Map([['accept', 'application/json']]);
* All available non music and music effects.
* @type {{music: object, non_music: object}}
static effects;
* @param {string} url full URL of the music led strip control server, e.g. ``
* @param {string} deviceId id of device inside mlsc, use HTTP GET `/api/system/devices` to get a list of available devices
constructor (url, deviceId) {
// Validate parameters
if (typeof url !== 'string') throw new Error('url must be a string!');
if (typeof deviceId !== 'string') throw new Error('deviceId must be a string!');
// Initialize private fields
this.#baseUrl = url + '/api/';
this.#deviceId = deviceId;
this.#prettyName = `${deviceId} on ${url}`;
// Initialize static field effects
if (!MlscApi.effects) MlscApi.effects = this.#getAvailableEffects();
#getAvailableEffects () {
console.debug(`Getting available effects from ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
try {
const response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(this.#baseUrl + 'resources/effects', MlscApi.#HEADERS, 1000);
return JSON.parse(response);
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to get available effects: ' + e);
#getEffect () {
console.debug(`Getting effect from ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
try {
const response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(this.#baseUrl + 'effect/active?device=' + this.#deviceId, MlscApi.#HEADERS, 1000);
const json = JSON.parse(response);
return json.effect;
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to get effect: ' + e);
#getBrightness () {
console.debug(`Getting brightness from ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
try {
const response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(`${this.#baseUrl}/settings/device?device=${this.#deviceId}&setting_key=led_brightness`, MlscApi.#HEADERS, 1000);
const json = JSON.parse(response);
return parseInt(json.setting_value);
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to get brightness: ' + e);
#getColor () {
console.debug(`Getting color from ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
try {
const response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(this.#baseUrl + 'settings/effect?effect=effect_single&device=' + this.#deviceId, MlscApi.#HEADERS, 1000);
const json = JSON.parse(response);
const rgb = json.settings.custom_color;
return HSBType.fromRGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to get color: ' + e);
* Set the effect.
* If the passed in effect is invalid, an error is thrown.
* @param {string} effect new effect
* @throws MlscApiError if effect is invalid or the API request failed
setEffect (effect) {
console.debug(`Setting effect of ${this.#prettyName} to ${effect} ...`);
if (!(Object.keys(MlscApi.effects.music).concat(Object.keys(MlscApi.effects.non_music)).includes(effect) || effect === 'effect_off')) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to set effect: Invalid value ' + effect);
try {
actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest(this.#baseUrl + 'effect/active', 'application/json', JSON.stringify({
device: this.#deviceId,
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to set effect: ' + e);
* Set the brightness.
* If the passed in value is not `ON`, `OFF` or an integer between 0 and 100, an error is thrown.
* @param {number|string} brightness brightness value as integer between 0 and 100 or `ON` or `OFF`
* @throws MlscApiError if brightness is invalid or the API request failed
setBrightness (brightness) {
console.debug(`Setting brightness of ${this.#prettyName} to ${brightness} ...`);
if (brightness === 'OFF') brightness = 0;
if (brightness === 'ON') brightness = 100;
// @ts-ignore
const intValue = parseInt(brightness);
if (isNaN(intValue) || intValue < 0 || intValue > 100) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to set brightness: Invalid value ' + brightness);
try {
actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest(this.#baseUrl + 'settings/device', 'application/json', JSON.stringify({
device: this.#deviceId,
settings: {
led_brightness: intValue
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to set brightness: ' + e);
* Set the color.
* If the passed in value is not a HSBType, an error is thrown.
* @param {*} hsb instance of {@link https://www.openhab.org/javadoc/latest/org/openhab/core/library/types/hsbtype org.openhab.core.library.types.HSBType}
* @throws MlscApiError if hsb is no HSBType or the API request failed
setColor (hsb) {
console.debug(`Setting color of ${this.#prettyName} to ${hsb} ...`);
if (!(hsb instanceof HSBType)) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to set color: hsb must an instance of "org.openhab.core.library.types.HSBType"');
// @ts-ignore
const r = parseInt(hsb.getRed() * 2.55);
// @ts-ignore
const g = parseInt(hsb.getGreen() * 2.55);
// @ts-ignore
const b = parseInt(hsb.getBlue() * 2.55);
try {
actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest(this.#baseUrl + 'settings/effect', 'application/json', JSON.stringify({
device: this.#deviceId,
effect: 'effect_single',
settings: {
custom_color: [r, g, b],
use_custom_color: true
} catch (e) {
throw new MlscApiError('Failed to set color: ' + e);
* Get the current, processed state.
* @returns {{brightness: number, color: null, effect: (string|any)}|{brightness: number, color: *, effect: (string|any|AnimationEffect)}}
getProcessedState () {
console.debug(`Getting state from ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
const effect = this.#getEffect();
if (effect === 'effect_off') {
return {
brightness: 0,
color: null
return {
brightness: this.#getBrightness(),
color: this.#getColor()
* music_led_strip_control REST client
* Class providing state fetching from and command sending to the REST API of {@link https://github.com/TobKra96/music_led_strip_control music_led_strip_control}.
* It is using a scheduled job to fetch states and a rule to handle commands.
* @example
* var { thingsx } = require('@hotzware/openhab-tools');
* var mlsc = new thingsx.MlscRestClient({
* effectItemName: 'FlorianRGB_effect',
* url: '',
* deviceId: 'device_0',
* colorItemName: 'FlorianRGB_color',
* dimmerItemName: 'FlorianRGB_dimmer'
* });
* mlsc.scheduleStateFetching();
* mlsc.createCommandHandlingRule();
* @memberof thingsx
class MlscRestClient {
#effect = null;
* Be aware that you need to call {@link scheduleStateFetching} and {@link createCommandHandlingRule} to fully initialize the REST client.
* @param {MlscRestClientConfig} config mlsc REST client config
constructor (config) {
// Validate parameters
if (typeof config.effectItemName !== 'string') throw new Error('effectItemName must be a string!');
if (config.colorItemName && typeof config.colorItemName !== 'string') throw new Error('colorItemName must be a string!');
if (config.dimmerItemName && typeof config.dimmerItemName !== 'string') throw new Error('dimmerItemName must be a string!');
if (config.defaultEffect && typeof config.defaultEffect !== 'string') throw new Error('defaultEffect must be a string!');
if (config.refreshInterval && typeof config.refreshInterval !== 'number') throw new Error('refreshInterval must be a number!');
if (config.switchOnDelay && typeof config.switchOnDelay !== 'number') throw new Error('switchOnDelay must be a number!');
// Fallback to defaults
if (!config.defaultEffect) config.defaultEffect = 'effect_gradient';
if (!config.refreshInterval) config.refreshInterval = 15000;
// Initialize private fields
this.#config = config;
this.#lastEffect = config.defaultEffect;
this.#prettyName = `${this.#config.deviceId} of ${this.#config.url}`;
// Initialize API
this.#api = new MlscApi(config.url, config.deviceId);
// Set command/state description metadata on effect Item
#setStateDescription () {
console.info(`Setting state description of ${this.#config.effectItemName} to available effects ...`);
let options = '"effect_off"="Off", ';
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(MlscApi.effects.non_music)) {
options += `"${key}"="${value}", `;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(MlscApi.effects.music)) {
options += `"${key}"="Music - ${value}", `;
options = options.substring(0, options.length - 2); // Remove last " ,"
items.metadata.replaceMetadata(this.#config.effectItemName, 'stateDescription', '', {
#updateState () {
let state;
try {
state = this.#api.getProcessedState();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof MlscApiError) {
throw e;
this.#effect = state.effect;
if (state.effect !== 'effect_off') this.#lastEffect = state.effect;
if (this.#config.colorItemName && state.color) items.getItem(this.#config.colorItemName).postUpdate(state.color.toString());
if (this.#config.dimmerItemName) items.getItem(this.#config.dimmerItemName).postUpdate(state.brightness);
* Schedules the state fetching using `setInterval`.
* @returns {NodeJS.Timeout} `intervalId` of the interval used for state fetching
scheduleStateFetching () {
console.info(`Initializing state fetching for ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
return setInterval(() => {
}, this.#config.refreshInterval);
#handleEffectCommand (effect) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof MlscApiError) {
throw e;
* Creates the rule used for command handling.
createCommandHandlingRule () {
const ruleConfig = {
name: `mlsc REST client for "${this.#config.deviceId}" of "${this.#config.url}"`,
description: 'Provides command handling, state fetching is done by a scheduled job',
triggers: [
execute: (event) => {
console.debug(`Handling command ${event.receivedCommand} of ${event.itemName} for ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
// Handle effect control
if (event.itemName === this.#config.effectItemName) {
if (this.#effect === 'effect_off' && event.receivedCommand !== 'effect_off' && this.#config.switchOnDelay) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.#config.switchOnDelay);
} else {
// Handle color control
} else if (event.itemName === this.#config.colorItemName) {
const hsb = HSBType.valueOf(event.receivedCommand);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof MlscApiError) {
throw e;
// Handle dimmer control
} else if (this.#config.dimmerItemName && event.itemName === this.#config.dimmerItemName) {
if (event.receivedCommand === 'OFF' || event.receivedCommand === '0') {
} else {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof MlscApiError) {
throw e;
// Turn on the stripes if needed
if (this.#effect === 'effect_off') {
id: `mlsc-rest-client-for-${this.#config.dimmerItemName || this.#config.effectItemName}`,
tags: ['@hotzware/openhab-tools', 'MlscRestClient', 'music_led_strip_control']
// Add colorItem as trigger (if defined)
if (this.#config.colorItemName) ruleConfig.triggers.push(triggers.ItemCommandTrigger(this.#config.colorItemName));
// Add dimmerItem as trigger (if defined)
if (this.#config.dimmerItemName) ruleConfig.triggers.push(triggers.ItemCommandTrigger(this.#config.dimmerItemName));
console.info(`Creating command handling rule for ${this.#prettyName} ...`);
* Get all available music and non-music effects.
* @returns {{music: Object, non_music: Object}}
getAvailableEffects () {
return MlscApi.effects;
module.exports = {