* Copyright (c) 2023 Florian Hotze
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
const { actions, cache, items, rules, things, triggers } = require('openhab');
* Get a Thing's UID from Item name by replacing patterns with replacements.
* If patterns is an Array, replacements must be an Array and search-replace pairs must have the same index.
* This method is using {@link replaceAll}.
* @example
* _getThingNameFromStateItemName('KNX_FF_Lights_state', ['_state', 'KNX_'], ['', 'knx:device:bridge:']);
* // Returns: knx:device:bridge:FF_Lights
* @private
* @param {string} itemName Item's name
* @param {string|Array<string>} patterns Pattern(s) to replace.
* @param {string|Array<string>} replacements String(s) that is/are used for replacing.
function _getThingNameFromStateItemName (itemName, patterns, replacements) {
if (typeof patterns === 'string' && typeof replacements === 'string') return itemName.replaceAll(patterns, replacements);
// If patterns and replacements are Arrays:
let thingUID = itemName;
if (typeof patterns === 'object') {
for (const i in patterns) {
thingUID = thingUID.replaceAll(patterns[i], replacements[i]);
return thingUID;
* Re-enables a Thing by disabling, and then enabling it again.
* @memberof thingsx
* @param {string} thingUID
function reEnableThing (thingUID) {
const thing = things.getThing(thingUID);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
* Creates a rule that posts Thing statuses to String Items.
* The rule takes the name of a group of String Items, generates a Thing UID for each member Item using string replace operations, and then posts the Thing status on every Thing status change to the Items.
* The rule also runs when start level 100 is reached and regularly (every 5 minutes, starting with minute 0).
* @example
* thingsx.createThingStatusRule('gYamahaState', ['_state', '_'], ['', ':']);
* // This removes "_state" fromt the Item name and replaces all "_" with ":" to get the Thing UID from the members of the "gYamahaState" group members.
* @memberof thingsx
* @param {string} groupName
* @param {string|Array<string>} patterns Pattern(s) to replace.
* @param {string|Array<string>} replacements String(s) that is/are used for replacing.
function createThingStatusToItemRule (groupName, patterns, replacements) {
// Set up default triggers for thing status rules.
const triggersList = [
triggers.GenericCronTrigger('0 0/5 * ? * * *')
// Add ThingStatusChangeTrigger for the matching Thing of each group member
// Translates from Item name to Thing UID using replace based on patterns and replacements
const members = items.getItem(groupName).members.map(item => item.name);
const pairs = new Map();
for (const i in members) {
const thingUID = _getThingNameFromStateItemName(members[i], patterns, replacements);
// Store the pairs, so we don't have to get the Thing names again later.
pairs.set(members[i], thingUID);
// Create the rule.
name: 'Thing states to Item group ' + groupName,
description: 'Send the Thing\'s states on change to the according String Items which hold the state.',
triggers: triggersList,
execute: (event) => {
// Update the state of each member Item with the matching Thing's state.
for (const i in members) {
const thingUID = pairs.get(members[i]);
const thingStatus = String(actions.Things.getThingStatusInfo(thingUID));
id: 'thing-status-to-items-of-group-' + groupName,
tags: ['@hotzware/openhab-tools', 'createThingStatusToItemRule']
* Creates a rule that posts Thing statuses to String Items.
* The rule takes the name of a group of String Items, generates a Thing UID for each member Item using string replace operations, and then posts the Thing status on every Thing status change to the Items.
* The rule also runs when start level 100 is reached and regularly (every 5 minutes, starting with minute 0).
* @example
* thingsx.createThingStatusRule('gYamahaState', ['_state', '_'], ['', ':']);
* // This removes "_state" fromt the Item name and replaces all "_" with ":" to get the Thing UID from the members of the "gYamahaState" group members.
* @memberof thingsx
* @param {string} thingUID
* @param {string|Array<string>} patterns Pattern(s) to replace.
* @param {string|Array<string>} replacements String(s) that is/are used for replacing.
* Creates a rule that sends a notification if a Thing goes offline and another one if it goes back online.
* @memberof thingsx
* @param {string} thingUID
* @param {string[]} [recipients] the recipients of the notification: leave empty to send a broadcast notification or put the email addresses of the openHAB Cloud users to receive the notification
* @param {number} [offlineDuration=60] the duration to wait for the Thing to come back online before sending the offline notification
* @param {number} [onlineDuration=30] the duration to wait for the Thing to stay online before sending the online notification
* @param {string} [offlineMessage='WARNUNG: %LABEL nicht mehr erreichbar (%STATUS)!'] the message to send when the Thing goes offline: use %UID, %LABEL, and %STATUS as placeholders for the respective values
* @param {string} [onlineMessage='%LABEL wieder erreichbar.'] the message to send when the Thing goes back online: use %UID and %LABEL as placeholders for the respective values
function createThingStatusNotificationRule (thingUID, recipients = [], offlineDuration = 60, onlineDuration = 30,
offlineMessage = 'WARNUNG: %LABEL nicht mehr erreichbar (%STATUS)!', onlineMessage = '%LABEL wieder erreichbar.') {
const cacheKey = `${thingUID}-offlineNotificationReferenceId`;
name: `Thing ${thingUID} status notification`,
description: 'Send a broadcast notification if the Thing goes offline and if it goes back online',
triggers: [
triggers.ThingStatusChangeTrigger(thingUID, undefined, 'ONLINE'),
triggers.ThingStatusChangeTrigger(thingUID, 'ONLINE')
execute: (event) => {
if (event.newStatus !== 'ONLINE') {
if (cache.private.exists(cacheKey)) return;
setTimeout(() => {
const thing = things.getThing(thingUID);
if (thing.status === 'ONLINE') return;
if (cache.private.exists(cacheKey)) return;
const builder = actions.notificationBuilder(offlineMessage.replace('%UID', thingUID).replace('%LABEL', thing.label).replace('%STATUS', event.newStatus))
.withIcon('error').withTitle('Thing offline');
for (const recipient of recipients) {
const referenceId = builder.send();
cache.private.put(cacheKey, referenceId);
}, offlineDuration * 1000);
} else {
if (!cache.private.exists(cacheKey)) return;
setTimeout(() => {
const thing = things.getThing(thingUID);
if (thing.status !== 'ONLINE') return;
if (!cache.private.exists(cacheKey)) return;
const referenceId = cache.private.get(cacheKey);
const builder = actions.notificationBuilder(onlineMessage.replace('%UID', thingUID).replace('%LABEL', thing.label))
.withIcon('error').withTitle('Thing wieder online').withReferenceId(referenceId);
for (const recipient of recipients) {
}, onlineDuration * 1000);
id: 'thing-status-notification-' + thingUID,
tags: ['@hotzware/openhab-tools', 'createThingStatusNotificationRule']
* Creates a rule that re-enables a Thing on command ON to a given Item.
* @memberof thingsx
* @param {string} itemName
* @param {string} thingUID
function createReEnableThingWithItemRule (itemName, thingUID) {
name: 'Re-enable ' + thingUID + ' with ' + itemName,
description: 'Disables and then enables a Thing again on command ON.',
triggers: triggers.ItemCommandTrigger(itemName, 'ON'),
execute: (event) => {
// Set command Item to OFF.
id: 're-enable-' + thingUID + '-with-' + itemName,
tags: ['@hotzware/openhab-tools', 'createReEnableThingWithItemRule']
module.exports = {